You know that old show-biz saying, "Never work with kids or animals?" Well, folks, today I proved the animal part true. Mom was up visiting and I used her to take our annual Christmas card picture (yes, I can say "annual" because we're on our third year of including a picture in our Christmas cards). And I thought that since our "new thing" this year was the kitties, they should be included in the picture, too.
.... Have you ever tried to get two cats to sit in your lap, let alone get them to sort-of look in the appropriate direction?!? This is what you end up with:
John and I look decent... but Martin is chewing on John's foot and Winks has chosen this moment to groom himself. Notice, too, the numerous kitty toys scattered about that we were using to "pose" them. (Sigh) What am I going to do with these boys!?