Knitty Batty

Started to show friends a new pair of shoes, but expanded to include updates on my knitting and important events, as well as ramblings on life, the universe, and everything. (If you can't see a picture, click on it to make it bigger!)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

O is for...

O is for overtime!  Ain't Summer Camp great?  Where else can you easily work 55hr weeks and only get paid for 37.5hrs?  At least they compensate us with "comp time" when we work more than 40hrs per week (yes, your math is right, we donate 2.5hrs for free).  For our department, you can save up all that extra time from Summer Camp and use it as vacation time in the weeks between Camp and school starting when we have very little to do.  The catch is, you can only use it in August and you lose it if you don't.  But it's REALLY nice to have because there is no possible way to run Summer Camp and do all our paperwork if we only work 37.5hrs.  And since the overtime is "mandatory," it's nice that they compensate us for it.

This summer, I earned a whopping 45hrs of comp time!  That's six full days off from work without having to take annual leave!  Yay!  I am using it to visit the Florida Family for Granddad's 90th birthday party. 

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