Knitty Batty

Started to show friends a new pair of shoes, but expanded to include updates on my knitting and important events, as well as ramblings on life, the universe, and everything. (If you can't see a picture, click on it to make it bigger!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Favorite Links ...Tuesday

Since I'm running this blog I can change up the weekly schedule if I want to... even if I really like the alliteration of "Favorite Links Friday" [sigh]

I spent the morning going through the posts and pictures on the Daily Coyote site and I feel that other people really just need to check them out. SS runs the site devoted to her rescued coyote friend, Charlie. Charlie came to her as a very young puppy when he was orphaned, and with the help of her cat, Eli, SS enjoys the gorgeous Wyoming scenery and Charlie's antics. She posts regularly on her blog but is five months behind the present since that was when she decided to start the blog in the first place-- so don't be surprised by talk of snow when it's warm outside. I appreciate the real-time, because you can never see too many pictures of cute baby fluffy things.

I also find it funny that Charlie is now much bigger than Eli, but still is scared of the cat when he gets mad. My favorite story SS told was when Charlie annoyed Eli into getting a hiss and a swat, which sent Charlie hiding up on the bed. Not deterred from his play, Charlie was tossing about a toy, only to lose it and have it land next to the perturbed cat. SS was cracking up over how obvious it was that Charlie really wanted to get his toy back, but was afraid of Eli getting mad at him again. :)

Another bonus is that her photos are super-great! They vary between really breath-taking mountain scenes (a personal favorite is "Horizon Fire"), artistic shots of Charlie looking stoic, and the more frequent berserker, Charlie-at-play moments. Looking at some of her stuff, I sometimes wish I could get photos like that.

Besides, she titles her pictures wonderfully: things like "Corn Spaz," "Yippee in a Puddle; It's Friday," and "Sometimes you Feel like a Nut." I think we all need a little yippee in a puddle because it's Friday now and then. :)

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