Knitty Batty

Started to show friends a new pair of shoes, but expanded to include updates on my knitting and important events, as well as ramblings on life, the universe, and everything. (If you can't see a picture, click on it to make it bigger!)

Friday, November 14, 2008


New cameras are a lot of fun, except when you have very little to take pictures of. Only the fuzzies are willing models for me. I have a lot of pictures of Harvey and the puppies. Like a crazy cat-lady. :(

Harvey Cat's "Regal Kitty" face

Harvey says "phtbtbhbhbhbtbhbhbhbhtthtbhbhbhbh!" [blows raspberry]

Maile says, "Whatchya doing up there? I am very short! Let me see, let me see!"

John is more interested in defeating the "smile detector" on my camera. You can set the camera to automatically take a picture when it recognizes a smile. However, what it calls a "smile" is only based on crinkled eyes and teeth shown, so the two pictures below are John "smiling" for the camera.

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